M = Mission Alignment

Mission Alignment is the first part of the M.O.V.E. the Mission™ Model, and is the starting point for moving your organization toward Exponential ROI.

If you are a CEO, visionary leader, or global change agent, you’re probably pretty excited about your organization’s mission.  The challenge is discovering how to you engage your entire staff and align all the parts of your organization in support of your company’s mission.

Getting your employees excited and aligned with your company’s mission can directly impact your bottom line. 

In my 12 years as M.O.V.E. the MissionTM Mentor working with CEOs, NGOs and non-profits, I’ve learned that Mission Alignment is the starting point.  This first piece of my model helps align all processes and engage every employee to further your mission.  It’s not just important, it’s vital to expanding your global reach and impact.

As leadership within your company, like many others, you have run up against the lack of mission alignment within your organization.  In fact, I know some leaders who are losing sleep at night, wondering why their employees aren’t as passionate as they are.

Maybe this is you... 

You come into work each morning, full of anticipation for the day.  Your mission drives your every action.  Flowing from this is a clear vision of where you want to take your company, realizing its full potential to help your audience, customers, community, region, or possibly global solution.  Everything you’ve done and created has led you to this point in your life.

You have led your organization to this very moment.  Yet as you look around at your employees – now many of whom may be working remote – if you’re lucky, your staff appears to be attentive and fairly happy.  But you feel a gap between your passionate vision of a potentially amazing future, compared to your employees’ ‘it’s another day at the office’ look on their faces.

What if your organization never fully realizes its potential…

The question is what would it feel like if your employees never fully realize the potential to achieve what you have worked toward for so long?  It’s like a chasm before you… your employees simply aren’t as animated about your company’s mission as you are.

I’ve had conversations with CEO’s and Executive Management over the years about this exact problem.  Some leaders even feel they’ve done everything possible to inspire company-wide enthusiasm around their mission yet yielded no different results.

Mission Alignment

Here’s the key.  If you want to have everyone around you be just as excited about your mission as you are, it starts with alignment.  Mission Alignment is the first part of my M.O.V.E. the MissionTM Model.

The good news is it is absolutely possible to get your employees more engaged AND excited about your company’s mission!  And if you are tired of racking your brain and doing countless mission and vision exercises, then you can benefit from my Mission Alignment training that has helped many others.

Email us any questions.


Schedule a Discovery Call and then share your top challenges to see how we can start moving YOUR mission forward today.