- 804-818-6084
- Info@LauraJacksonLoo.com
Executive Mentoring
Given the chaotic and changing times that we are all experiencing, chances are pretty great that you’re feeling it, too. While it’s happening almost everywhere you look in the world, chances are pretty great that it’s also happening in your personal world.
As an Executive Mentor and Life TransformedTM Certified Coach, we begin from wherever you are, personally and/or professionally.

Do any of these statements feel familiar?
- You don’t know where to begin to get different results
- You feel like you’re simply treading water
- You’ve tried different strategies to no avail, and are still wrestling with the same challenges
- You’re struggling to stay one step ahead of the continued chaos and stress
- If you’re a nonprofit leader, all too often it feels like you’re just trying to keep your head above water
- Your “To Do” list or priority items never ends
- You would love nothing more than to get a good night’s sleep… regularly
- You struggling in your personal and/or business relationships
Imagine a mentor with decades of experience in guiding leaders, like you, out of this or a similar maze and into more engaging and rewarding relationships and outcomes by tapping into the potential of your own organization.
Past clients have had remarkable results. They have:
- Received clarity on their organizational strengths and translated them into stronger programming, relationships, and goals
- Clarified and aligned their mission that made their staff and teams more engaged, happier, and productive
- Reenergized and reengaged their Boards of Directors
- Gone from being shut down at the start of the pandemic to fully reopening and growing sales by 20%
- Gotten clarity that allowed them to successfully rebrand themselves or their organization that grew their community and their funding
- Opened up additional streams of revenue by tapping into and aggregating their in-house talent
- Created a more rewarding personal life at the same time they made strides in their professional life
Any one of these success stories could be yours.
By working with Executive Mentor Laura Jackson Loo, you’ll clarify your mission and messaging, get your people “on the same sheet of music,” and receive easily implementable strategies that can reinvigorate your nonprofit organization.
Stop waiting for the perfect moment and make the perfect moment now.